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Salvation by Faith – Then Works

Writer's picture: Ardenna HardyArdenna Hardy

Updated: Dec 23, 2022

Trending Now for ChristiansBlog Post #3

A question to ponder: Can a person lose salvation?

Sisters, well-seasoned Christians should be beyond the point of getting busy living for Christ! When we are saved or rescued from something unpleasant, we should have an overwhelming sense of relief and thanksgiving. No matter what we look like on the outside, that is how we should feel inside about our eternal security after salvation.

Ladies, when we consider salvation a gift made possible by faith in Jesus Christ, the first question should be, what’s next? It is not enough for Christians to acquire salvation and float through life. While we might start our Christian life feeling brand new, there are no promises in the Bible that we will not experience hardship. God has given us all many gifts and talents to serve Him. We should be so grateful to God for saving us from eternal separation from Him that we would want to help others avoid that fate! John 9 New American Standard Bible (NASB) 4 We must work the works of Him who sent Me as long as it is day; night is coming when no one can work.

When we read our featured article, we will explore the importance of studying Scripture in context. As we focus on salvation and other trending topics, we will continue to delve into the Bible and unpack God’s Word to fulfill our quest for knowledge and wisdom.

Please continue reading to understand better the security that is ours for eternity!


Question: “How can you believe in salvation by faith alone when the only occurrence of ‘faith alone’ in the Bible (James 2:24) says that salvation is not by faith alone?”

Answer: It is entirely true that the one verse in the Bible that contains the exact phrase “faith alone” seems to argue against salvation by faith alone. James 2:24 reads, “You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone” (ESV). However, rejecting the doctrine of salvation by faith alone based on this verse has two major problems. First, the context of James 2:24 is not arguing against the doctrine of salvation by faith alone. Second, the Bible does not need to contain the precise phrase “faith alone” in order to clearly teach salvation by faith alone.

Ladies, if you want to expand your study or if you have young children, try these resources:

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